What does MVMT mean?

MVMT stands for Movement.

The name Movement Massage Therapy was chosen because it emphasizes the importance of movement for the human body. The name reflects my belief that maintaining mobility is essential for lifelong health.

MVMT Massage Therapy embodies the essence of movement for the human body. As the adage goes, "use it or lose it" - maintaining mobility is crucial for lifelong health. Muscle imbalances and tension can disrupt daily movements, leading to discomfort and eventually chronic pain.

At MVMT Massage Therapy, my mission is to help clients prevent these issues, enabling them to enjoy quality movement and a vibrant life well into their golden years. My services cater to everyone, from elite athletes to individuals needing mobility support throughout their lives.

Regular massage treatments are key to keeping muscles happy and healthy, enhancing your ability to move freely and with ease.

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