So, where did it all start?

It's your body and your health: time to own it.

I believe in taking ownership and being proactive with your health, particularly in managing musculoskeletal issues. I firmly believe that through strengthening and refining movement patterns and good nutrition, many health challenges can be prevented and significantly improved.

So, where did it all start for me?

About 20 years ago my pursuit towards better health began when my left hip started to hurt. Initially, I hoped the pain would subside, but it only worsened over the weeks, becoming excruciating on some days, making walking nearly impossible. Seeking medical advice, I was diagnosed with FAI (femoroacetabular impingement), a condition where the femur hits the edge of the hip socket when flexed

Over the course of more than a year I went to see many doctors and allied health professionals.
The medical consensus at the time was very defeatist - I was told my options were limited to pain management through anti-inflammatories, but I was determined to explore other avenues. I repeatedly asked about self-care strategies like diet, stretching, and strengthening exercises, only to be told there was nothing I could do on my own and that it was just something I had to live with and it would likely get worse. The final straw was when one doctor said the only option was surgery.

As I was in my early 20's and thought hip surgery was for old people, I refused to accept this. I turned to the internet (back in the dial-up days!) and delved into research on hip stretches, strengthening exercises, and anti-inflammatory foods. With the limited information I could find, I implemented a regimen of stretching and strengthening routines and switching to a diet focused on whole, natural foods and I began to notice significant improvements within weeks. Just from strengthening the muscles around the joint and focused on getting my hips moving.

Though I still have FAI Today as that's just how my bones formed, I can proudly say that I have been pain-free in my hip ever since.

I can truly say that this experience has changed my life because it put me on the path of taking care of my own health. Your health is your biggest asset and we should never just accept that there is nothing we can do, we need to take ownership of it because it is ours. And when you do it is amazing how you can improve your health and your quality of life.

Over the years, prioritizing my body's well-being has become the cornerstone of my approach to injury prevention and recovery. I achieve this through a regimen that combines targeted strength training, mobility exercises, balanced nutrition, adequate sleep, and regular massage.

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